i have no clue what to write! But i wanted to say thank you to na and papa for taking me. It was a lot of funn. And i still don't know what to write. i would write bout the trip but Anna and Dj already did.
Ok i will write bout my fave. parts... when me and Anna tryed mac n cheese at like every restaurant. we thought the the grocery store was the best.. i think we tryed like 6.
the next thing i thought was funn was when we went to the ocean. me and Anna got hit by this wave and we full over, the i got hit by the next one. then before we left Anna got hit by this wave the brought out by it. then she when with the next one coming it.(if that made any since).i guess you had to be there.
then the day before we got home we went to this hotel and Lilly was running out this one door and it was class and clear and she ran right into it. it was so funny.she dint get hurt.
also when lilly put na's glasses(picture above)
if i think of any more i will write again. for now bye