The oldest is Alicia. She is almost 16 and has begun the driving thing already. She is excited, we are not. I must say tho that she is doing well and we are not as concerned as we thought we would be when she got behind the wheel. I guess it is safe now as she still has to ride with an adult. It will be a whole new thing when she is driving off without us!! It doesn't help that she is tall, thin and gorgeous! Pictured with her is her boyfriend Wes.
Abagail is 13. She will be 14 in October. She is the goofball of the bunch. Always good for a laught tho she can be quite obnoxious at all the wrong times also!! We love her anyway! She is totally into hockey these days! It is all about the Minnesota Wild and James Shepard!! Abby is a very pretty girl and I have a feeling that we will be chasing the boys away soon!
Arianna is 10 going on 16! She has all the attitude and sarcasm of a teenager in a tiny package. She is beautiful and smart and can be a ton of fun to hang around with if she is not in a foul mood!!!
Derek joe...the dude of the bunch. Poor Dman is the only boy constantly surrounded by the girls. He has a great imagination and like Abby, he can make you laugh quite easily. Star Wars and Indiana Jones are his latest passions. Handsome oy D is taller than his big sis Anna!!
Lilly Janine. I have to put the "Janine" in there so if Jan reads this she can see we are indeed using her middle name. I don't even know what to say about her. She is an incredibaly sprited little girl. I think she is going to take on the world someday. She could talk you out of your own shirt if she needed one!
Gracie Jayne is the baby of the bunch, the youngest Bonin of them all. She is a silly baby and climbs everything like a monkey. She is a whole lotta trouble but one smile with those dimples and a glance from her expressive eyes, she is instantly forgiven for any of it!!
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